Day 01

Day 01 was our first day of starting work with the touch screens – we set up camp in the Hull College of Art and Design and after a bit of faffing about with technical things such as internet connections and coffee provisions we settled down to some work.
After a quick talk with Benedict and the team we each made some notes on the notion of touch – what implications it has for interface design and also how we use touch every day as one of our connections with the outside world. I started by making a list of words that came to mind when thinking about ‘touch’.

I wrote down:

  • Buttons
  • Texture
  • Switches / Tactile
  • Feedback – audio/vibration/visual
  • Sliders / faders
  • Rotary knobs
  • Zoom image / rotate image [image manipulation]
  • Links
  • Similar response to mouse click

Ben Dalton then showed us Prezi – a presentation software / site that allows you to make pretty funky slideshows and animations with media rich content fairly quickly. We all then made something with Prezi to use on the touch screens to get a feel for how they worked and influenced how you experience digital content.

Despite being aimed at making jazzy slideshows Prezi allows you to link content and get an idea of how information can flow in a very quick, prototype sort of fashion. After an hour or two we came together and showed the group our progress and discussed what we had found.

Here is a link to some of the slideshows people made.

For me the process was useful:

  • Using a touch screen is a very different experience to using a mouse
  • I found that I had to really think about navigation of content
  • Single point touch screens can be confusing: many people are used to multi touch and gestural actions

Topics of discussion included:

  • How do users expect an interface to behave?
  • There is no ‘roll over’ with a touch screen.
  • Do users need obvious instruction or can the interface be ambiguous?
  • At what point does ambiguity become an obstacle to user interest?
  • Can you make a user curious, almost making the content and interface game-like and keep users interested?
  • How do you ‘go back’ with a touch screen?

After lunch Ben spoke about JessyInk – a plugin for Inkscape – an open source and free to use piece of software that is similar to Prezi . He also gave a quick intro to Flash as a way of building interactive content.

We then had chance to spend time looking at other pieces of software that we wanted to work with as part of our research into making content for touch screens. I got my teeth into a bit of Processing code, looking at some examples and writing some lines myself to get visual feedback on mouse clicks / screen touches.

Part of the residency is showing our work to others and at the end of the day we heard short talks from Benedict Phillips,Victoria Lucas and Ross Dalziel. They each spoke about their artistic practice and showed some of their work. It’s good to hear how other people approach their work and why they do it.

More tomorrow.

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