Welcome to Digital Media Labs
DM Labs is an ongoing series of research and development labs for artists working with technology to apply their processes to new contexts, to hothouse ideas, and create new collaborations within a specially nominated peer group.
Here’s Looking at You – R&D is a creative research project investigating technologies and possibilities for creating artworks in the public domain using CCTV. This will be explored through a series of different processes including creating a first prototype of what an artist-run CCTV platform might look like and then experimenting within this system. HLY will interrogate the usefulness of this process and the systems employed alongside wider concepts of overt and covert technologies. This interrogation and exploration of ideas and technologies will be carried out collaboratively by a group of artists, curators, and technologists. The project is only intended as a starting point or reference for opening up a discussion about seeing and being seen by technology and the role of ‘the controller’ of ‘the subject’ in this relationship. The function of the Lab will not be to create a specific work or outcome based on using CCTV, but rather to interrogate the idea and hopefully go beyond it to explore new possibilities. A series of presentations including talks, performance and blogs will give access to the ideas discussed and explored by the project, Here’s Looking at You.
Purchase Ambien Up-and-coming events in October 2021 will take place at Yorkshire Sculpture Park (23rd October) and online at Disability Arts Online. Here’s Looking at You R&D is: lead artist Benedict Phillips, working with artists – Ben Dalton, Hwa Young Jung, Holly Norcop, John O’Shea and Andrey Pissantchev. Here’s Looking at You Lab is the fourth lab delivered by the digital media lab’s team. and ACE with project consultation by Immersive Networks Collective. I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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The DMLabs Network has 30 artists so far, with far ranging practices, skillsets & backgrounds. Each Lab purposely has a diverse demographic so artists of all experiences can learn from each other. Below are a selection of five random artists from across the labs,  see all 30 of them here. Laura Pullig’s practice explores how we interact with the environment through digital and analogue technologies.… Hello, I’m Ellie Weir, born the tail end of 1979, in suburban London. I came… As a participatory artist, I magnify and expand textile processes, utilising accessible materials to engage…
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That’s the magic of the Lab – the ability to share ideas and desires with others who all have different skill levels and come at problems from different perspectives. There is an altruistic current flowing through everyone here.
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Some of the organisations we have collaborated with over the years as either commissioners, partners or supporters.

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