Ben Dalton is currently investigating the theme of ‘design for digital pseudonymity’ at the Royal College of Art. Ben is a Principal Lecturer in the Faculty of Art, Environment & Technology at Leeds Beckett University, and is undertaking PhD research as part of the AHRC Creative Exchange. Ben has recently shown work, given talks and run workshops on themes of digital identity performance and control, including FACT Liverpool, RCA London, FutureEverything Manchester, Today’s Art The Hague, Berghs Stockholm, Abandon Normal Devices Liverpool, WWW2013 Rio de Janeiro, Sensuous Knowledge Bergen, and DIS Newcastle. has a background in ubiquitous computing and mobile sensor networks from the MIT Media Lab and print design from Middlesex University, and has conducted research in the Århus University Electron-Molecular Interaction group, University of Leeds Spintronics and Magnetic Nanostructures lab, and Jim Henson’s Creature Shop, London. Recently he has been a regular guest Professor at the Bergen National Academy of Art and Design, and co-investigator on two EPSRC funded research projects. He is also currently co-directing the Data is Political project in to the aesthetic, ethical and spatial dimensions of information and its relation to power, the production of knowledge, and construction of urban spaces.
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