Today was charity shop day, one of my favourite pass times- we were given a brief to find some technology/ objects under a tenner and come up with a concept- I was paired with Sam Meech another fellow charity shop eintusiayst.
We decided we were going to make a coin operated time machine out of our findings- which consisted ofOthello – (the board game) Dominoes, a coin sorter, a spira mouse( electronic spirograph) and an old beautifully designed lotto board game.
We played around with programmes such as Isadora and made some animations to create vortex imagery.
The machine worked with a tariff depending on the year you wanted to visit- which was also controlled by a lottery system so not everyone had the chance to go and each year could only be visited once.
We also installed a vital- memory eraser incase any mishaps needed to be corrected.
I really enjoyed seeing everyones individual ideas- that were all very different- there seems to be be a spinning theme emerging.
Washing machines, Salad spinners, vortex’, fans.. we shall see